ProClova® XL is a clover-safe herbicide which kills key weeds in both newly sown leys and established grassland enabling you to build and preserve clover populations for longer.

Contains two active ingredients which give excellent control of a wide range of weeds

• Water volume: 200 L/ha.
• Only 7-day post-treatment stock exclusion interval (in the absence of ragwort).
• Leave 21 days before cutting silage this is to allow
time for the chemical to get down to kill out the root
• Rainfast in 1 hour.
• Available as a co-pack which treats 3ha (7.4 acres) when applying to newly sown leys or 2ha (5 acres) when spraying established grassland.

Clover Safety :

Red Clover

Do not apply to red clover until spring of the year after sowing.
Do not spray stressed crops.

White Clover

A transitory e!ect (leaf deformation/growth inhibition) may be seen following application, but full recovery will follow. In new sown leys clover will be fully recovered following two to three grazings.

Protect water quality.
Follow the 1-2-3 when using ProClova ® XL.

• Drift reducing nozzles must be used.
• Minimum 75% drift reducing.
• Check the DAFM STRIPE nozzle listings and search STRIPE
(Department of Agriculture and Marine).
• Air inclusion nozzles are ideal
    - These create larger droplets with small bubbles of air.
    - On impact, bubble bursts leaving small droplets across the leaf surface for better absorption.
    - This creates less drift.
• Use minimum 200L water per hectare.

Do not apply to fields where an intersecting watercourse is present (this means where the land parcel slopes towards a watercourse and any surface water run-off would drain into that watercourse).

When spraying fields with watercourses respect an unsprayed buffer zone of 3 meters to these watercourses.

Dealing with larger weeds in newly sown leys.

When seedling weeds that have gone beyond the optimal growth stage for treatment, or where particularly docks are re-establishing from root fragments rather than seed, then use ‘ground cover’ to assess the feasibility of making an application of ProClova XL at the higher rate of use available for established grassland. Established grassland is defined as having more than 90% ground cover or older than 1 year, whichever comes first.

How does a low drift nozzle work?

• It is a flat fan nozzle where an internal
venturi creates negative pressure inside
the nozzle body.
• This creates larger droplets that contain
small bubbles of air.
• The droplet is classified as a Coarse
Spray, as defined by the BCPC system.
• The coarser droplet enables the spray to
travel accurately from nozzle to target.
• On impact the bubble bursts leaving
smaller droplets across the leaf for

Corteva Agriscience support the use of
low drift nozzles for the application of our
grassland herbicides and a water volume
down to 200 litres/ha.

We encourage their use for the following
• Less drift (up to 75% reduction).
• Reducing spray drift is a requirement of the
Plant Protection Products
(Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012.
• Reduced buffer zone if 3 Star rating

- Delivers the highest and most reliable level of dock control in established grassland where clover preservation is key.
- Control a wide range of weeds including buttercups, dandelions, plantains, hogweed and cow parsley
- Has a wide application window from March to October, BUT for optimum control, spray actively growing weeds at the correct growth stage.
- If weeds have grown beyond the correct growth stage, top them and spray regrowth.

Application Rates:

Rate of use: 1 pack to treat 2 ha (5acres) 125g ProClova® & 250mls XL per hectare


Use from 1st March to end October. Use in 200t water per hectare.

Controls key seedling weeds in newly sown leys, namely chickweed, fat-hen, redshank, red dead nettles and seedling docks.

Where weeds have gone large and the grass is dense – and there is greater than 90% ground cover, use ProClova® XL at the higher rate to ensure better kill of the larger weeds.

Use the ‘ground cover measure’ tool in the Corteva Forage App to assess the level of ground cover present ie> 90%

Rates of use:

1 pack to treat 3 ha (7.5acres) 85g ProClova® & 165mls XL per hectare

Where >90% ground cover – move to the higher rate

1 pack to treat 2 ha (5acres) 125g ProClova & 250mls XL per hectare


When applied to white clover from the 3 trifoliate stage, some transitory effect may been seen. The clover will fully recover following two to three grazings.


Use from tillering stage of the grass and when clover has 3 trifoliate leaves

Clover safety

Application can cause visual symptoms such as deformation and growth inhibition but symptoms are transitory with full recovery thereafter.

If applying to newly sown leys, wait until grass has reached 3 true leaf stage and white clover has reached the 3-trifoliate leaf stage before application. Application
in the spring is recommended for quicker recovery of the clover. Cutting or grazing grass will speed up recovery process.

Deciding when to ‘spray or delay’

 • Do not spray if grasses have less than 3 true leaves or clover has less than 3 trifoliate leaves.
 • Do not spray if rain is imminent (rain fastness is 1 hour).
 • Do not spray if the 3 days previous and the 3 days after the intended spray date have or are forecast to have air temperatures which are likely to be less than 8°C. This is important to ensure optimal performance of the product and recovery of clover following an application of ProClova XL.
 • It is not recommended to spray if the target dock population is diseased, under attack by dock beetle or past label stated growth stage. In any of these scenarios, optimum control is more likely from spraying re-growth after cutting/topping

This timed series of photos started on 4th May and by 8 weeks and one cut, clover populations matched untreated plots.



Talk to Us

If you would like further information on weed control and grassland management or wish to discuss your specific requirements please contact a member of our Technical team.