The ideal spot treatment solution for a wide range of difficult to control weeds where safety to grass is important.

Use GrazonPro because it is:

• Approved for Knapsack Sprayer use in established grassland
• Fast-acting and controls a wide range of broad-leaved and ‘woody’ weeds – see ‘Weeds controlled’ table
• Offers excellent grass safety
• Rainfast in 2 hours
• Needs only 7-day post-treatment stock exclusion interval*
• Economic to use;
   - low dose rate of just 60ml per 10L water
   - 10 fills of a 16lt Knapsack Sprayer from a single 1lt pack
   - it comes with a FREE measuring beaker.

* In the absence of Ragwort

Getting the most from Grazon Pro

• Read the label before use
• Only apply this product if you have PA1 and PA6 certificates or similar qualifications (see Key Points)
• Ensure that your Knapsack Sprayer is serviceable and calibrated prior to use
• Wear suitable PPE at all times during the preparation, spraying and cleaning process
• For optimum results spray weeds whilst actively growing and before they flower, or top them first and spray regrowth after 2-3 weeks
• If weeds are too tall or too dense, ‘shadowing’ can occur so, again, top them first and spray regrowth after 2-3 weeks
• Not all weeds will be at the best growth stage for spraying at the time of application, so a follow-up treatment may be necessary
• Spray weed leaves until thoroughly wet but avoid run-off
• Always direct spray away from water
• Other people and pets should keep out of treated areas until the spray has dried on treated foliage
• Re-seed bare batches after weeds have died to avoid encroachment by new weeds.

* Ragworth label guidance

Ragwort plants sprayed with this herbicide are more palatable and contain higher levels of toxins. Animals should be excluded from treated areas until any ragwort has completely recovered or died and there is no visible sign of the dead weed. Do not include treated ragwort in hay or silage crops.

Do not include treated ragwort in hay or silage crops.


Talk to Us

If you would like further information on weed control and grassland management or wish to discuss your specific requirements please contact a member of our Technical team.