Envy® is a wider spectrum grassland herbicide giving excellent control of docks, dandelions, chickweed and buttercups. It is very safe to grass.

Control grassland weeds because:

• They compete with grass for space, light, nutrients and water
• They are unpalatable to stock
• Take over a paddock and if left unchecked limit ability to graze
• Docks in silage can affect fermentation and reduce quality
• Make pastures look messy, untidy and unkept.

Choose Envy because it:

• Envy can be used on newly sown leys and established grassland
• Delivers excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, chickweed, creeping and meadow buttercups
• Has a short stock withdrawal period of just 7 days
• Does not hold back grass growth after application.

Getting the most from Envy

• Always read the label before use
• For optimum results spray weeds whilst actively growing and, if possible, before they flower, or top them first and spray regrowth after 2-3 weeks
• Not all weeds will be at the best growth stage for spraying at the time of application, so a follow-up treatment may be necessary
• Envy should be applied to grass using drift reducing nozzles, if possible
– Reduced risk of drift
– Water volume can be reduced to just 200L water per ha
• A tank-cleaner, such as All Clear Extra, should be used when cleaning the spray tank after the use of Envy
• It may be necessary to ‘stitch’ seed into the bare areas left behind after death of treated weeds to avoid new weeds replacing them
• More effective control of chickweed in cooler conditions with Envy than straight fluroxypyr.

* Ragworth label guidance

Ragwort plants sprayed with this herbicide are more palatable and contain higher levels of toxins. Animals should be excluded from treated areas until any ragwort has completely recovered or died and there is no visible sign of the dead weed.
Do not include treated ragwort in hay or silage crops.



Talk to Us

If you would like further information on weed control and grassland management or wish to discuss your specific requirements please contact a member of our Technical team.