docks in field with captionIn dock-infested silage swards, there are huge advantages in applying DoxstarPro before the crop is cut. As well as boosting yields and quality, it also ensures a clean, productive sward for a second cut of silage or grazing.

Even a moderate infestation of docks will cut dry matter yield by at least a tonne/acre and significantly impair quality. Where baled silage is being made, the dock stems play havoc with the film resulting in substantial wastage.

Containing two powerful chemicals, triclopyr and fluroxypyr, DoxstarPro is the ideal product for docks. It ensures the most effective kill of the dock root system which can be up to a metre deep. It is effective on both the broadleaf dock and the narrow curly-leaf dock. It is also highly effective on dandelions and chickweed

We are now approaching the perfect time for a pre-harvesting application of DoxstarPro in the vast majority of first-cut silage swards. The ideal time to spray is two to four weeks after nitrogen is applied and docks are at the perfect stage for an effective kill.

Best results are achieved when docks are actively growing, are 15-25cm (6-10ins) high or across and before a seed head appears. When the plant starts to produce seeds, more nutrients are translocated up the plant. Therefore, less chemical is taken down to the roots, leading to a reduction in long term control.

Dock right timing

The key requirement is to wait a minimum of three weeks after DoxstarPro is applied before cutting the silage. This ensures that the chemicals get fully translocated down to the root system, a vital factor in achieving long-term control.

Unlike dicamba-based products, DoxstarPro does not cause any check to grass growth.Doxstar Pro 300 x 600

Doxstar Pro fact Sheet