As farmers confront the costs and challengers of a very difficult spring, weed control in grazing swards is likely to be well down the list of priorities.

However, when grass growth does take off, it is crucial to ensure that weeds don’t dominate and further reduce the output of grass across the growing season. Therefore, where weeds exist, it is important to control them as early as possible.      

Docks, buttercups, dandelion and thistles are the most common weeds in grazing swards. Relatively low infestations of these weeds can cut grass output by 20%. Severe infestations can cut output in half.  

That is why an effective control strategy is so important. And when it comes to selecting the best all-purpose weed killer, there is nothing to beatForefrontT.

Containing the most advanced chemistry in weed control technology, it is powerful on docks, thistles, nettles and other pernicious weeds such as buttercups and dandelions.  It is also highly effective on ragwort. 

Apply Forefront T as a single application at two litres/ha in 200-300 litres water/ha.  Keep stock off the pasture for seven days after spraying. ForefrontTdoes not result in any check to grass growth but it will kill the clover.

 Dock right timing
 Best results from Forefront T are achieved when docks are actively growing, are 15-25cm high or across and before a seed head begins to show.  This is called the rosette stage.


Timing is crucial

Chris Maughan,technical manager with Whelehan Crop Protectionstressed the importance of correct timing of the spray in order to ensure maximum uptake of the chemical which is then translocated down to the root system, thereby ensuring best long term control.

“Best results are achieved when weeds are actively growing and are at the right stage for a good kill.  Docks should be 15-25cm high or across and before a seed head begins to show.   Thistles should have four to 10 leaves and be 15-25cm high."

“Following spraying keep stock off the treated areas for at least seven days. If ragwort is among the target weeds, stock should be kept off the treated area until the ragwort plant has fully died and disappeared,”advised Chris.


Forefront T Fact file

  • The perfect all-purpose weed killer in grazing pastures
  • Contains two powerful ingredients - Aminopyralid and Triclopyr.
  • Effective on a wide range of weeds, including docks, thistles, nettles, buttercups, dandelions and ragwort.
  • Apply at a rate of 2lt/ha.
  • Use a minimum of 200-300lt water/ha (20-30gals/acre).
  • Allow 7 days grazing interval following spraying.

CLICK HERE- for Further information onForefront T

For further information contact ourTechnical teamwho will be delighted to answer any queries you may have.