Envy, another recent addition to the systemic grassland herbicide range, adds an extra option in the control of weeds in reseeded pasture.

Containing the two potent active ingredients fluroxypyr and florasulam, it is effective on the same range of weeds as PastorTrio, with the exception of thistles. 

It should be applied to reseeds at one litre/ha in 200 litres of water from the third leaf visible stage of the grass.  Where chickweed or docks are large, the application rate should be increased to 1.5l/ha.

As it works well in cooler conditions, Envy can be applied up to 30 November.  This makes it an ideal post-emergence herbicide for autumn-sown reseeds.

       Envy fact sheet

  • - Contains two powerful ingredients - fluroxypyr and florasulam.
  • - Effective against the same range of weeds as PastorTrio, with the exception of thistles.
  • - Perfect for reseeded pastures and also highly effective in silage/hay swards and permanent pasture.
  • - The product of choice for horse pastures.
  • - Apply at 1.0-1.5l/ha in reseeded pastures and at 2.0l/ha in permanent pasture and silage/hay swards.
  • - Works well in cooler conditions and can be applied up to 30 November. 

Autumn reseeds now need urgent care

Pastures reseeded last August and September are now approaching the stage of urgent weed control. In many of these reseeds, there was not an opportunity to apply a post-emergent weed spray.  This has resulted in heavy infestations of chickweed.  Seedling docks are also a widespread problem. If these weeds are not controlled over the coming weeks, they will continue to flourish and will smother out the grass.  Other weeds such as thistles and buttercups will germinate, leading to a highly unproductive sward.

Applying either Envy, or (where thistles are among the target weeds) PastorTrio, as soon as possible will kill these weeds and enable the perennial grasses to recover.

Merits of over-sowing clover

As clover is susceptible to PastorTrio and Envy and other systemic herbicides that kill broad-leaved weeds, a growing number of farmers are now excluding clover from the original mixture.  They then apply a post-emergent herbicide and over-sow the clover into a clean sward.

The technique, pioneered by Dr James Humphreys of Teagasc Moorepark, involves mixing the clover at 5kg/ha with PK fertiliser and spreading at 2.5 bags/ha in two runs at right angles to each other.

The use of a quad bike fitted with a slug pellet applicator can also be an effective method of broadcasting the clover seed.

Around 3,000 gallons/acre of fairly watery slurry should be applied after broadcasting the clover seed.  This will help to wash in the seed and seal the ground thereby lowering moisture loss.

When using PastorTrio or Envy, the over-sowing can be done three months after the herbicide is applied.