Advice on Effective Control of Thistles Many thistle-infested grazing pastures are now at the ideal stage for treatment with an effective herbicide. Thistlex, the systemic herbicide ...
Control weeds now to reap the benefits next spring Grazon Pro is fast acting and offers high levels of long term broad control. Where weeds such as nettles, thistles, briars ...
Controlling Weeds in Grazing Pastures Forefront T is the ideal herbicide for controlling a combination of weeds such as nettles and docks in grazing pastures. Choosing ...
Broadway Star Gives Top Weed Control in Winter wheat Broadway Star gives excellent control of a wide range of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat crops. The ...
Envy another ideal option Envy, another recent addition to the systemic grassland herbicide range, adds an extra option in the control of weeds in ...
PastorTrio is the perfect herbicide for reseeded pastures For farmers planning to reseed pastures over the next couple of months, the issue of weed control will be of ...
Pastor Trio the tailor-made weed killer for reseeded pasture Weeds, when established, can greatly reduce the performance of a grass sward and research has shown that every 1% infestation ...
GrazonPro - the perfect spot treatment for weeds GrazonPro is ideal for spot spraying nettles and other weeds at fences, railings and field boundaries. GrazonPro - the perfect spot ...
Forefront T – ideal product for weed control in paddocks Forefront T adds a powerful extra dimension to weed control in grazing swards. Containing the most advanced chemistry in weed ...
It pays to kill weeds before silage is cut Where docks and other weeds are a problem in silage swards, it will pay handsomely to kill them before the ...
Forefront T the ideal weed killer for grazing pastures As farmers confront the costs and challengers of a very difficult spring, weed control in grazing swards is likely to ...
Contract Weed Spraying Service WEED CONTROL SERVICE Whelehan’s have been involved in supplying a weed control service to county councils and local authorities for many ...
Ragwort Ragwort (Senecio Jacobea) is also known as ragweed, buachalán and buachalán buidhe. It is a common weed of Irish pastures ...
Why it pays to spray dock-infested silage swards Spraying dock-infested pastures before silage is cut will significantly benefit yield and quality of both pit and baled silage, as ...
Timing is critical for good weed control THE BEST weed control is achieved by spraying weeds when they are actively growing and at the right stage. This ...